
/// sounds like a case of the Mondays ///

today is Monday.
Why is it that when an unfortunate event occurs,

it seems to feel the worst on a Monday?
Probably because it's the furthest day away from what we all aim for. Friday night.
Monday is the day that never ends.
It is the day when the light never fades...

Frustrations were overwhelming today.
And in a moment of agitation, I wanted a Djarum.

Fucking school.
And fucking professors, who give an arbitrary mark to a paper a student spent hours on.
Much of this frustration is rooted in the fact that countless philosophy classes have been spent recently discussing the ineffability of language… yet when a paper is written, using this language we’ve all agreed is subjective , a professor can still so easily dole out a mark.
A mark which means nothing to her.
How does she know what I mean?
How does she know I know what I mean?
How can such subjective work even be graded?

how I wish i could be somewhere with a couple of good friends, in line in some big city, just waiting to see a good show.
instead, i'm still stuck in Monday.

At least
Phillip Seymour Hoffman won.


Blogger the tapered pant said...

Kristina. Do you still not believe that I'm at your beck and call? Have I done so poor a job for you to not realize my (though phenomenally imperfect, trust me, I realize) unconditional love for you,(and also not love of the lesbian nature, sorry kid i just don't think we'd make a good couple...) love that only seeks to serve? Frick kid wake me up. Let me know. I'll skip class. Hell yes, let's go catch a show.

March 06, 2006 9:58 p.m.  
Blogger the tapered pant said...

and do i really need to keep finding these things out from your blog? we live in the same damn 200 square feet.

March 06, 2006 9:59 p.m.  
Blogger Sharelle said...

the facts are these. you are an amazing person, with insightful thoughts that i can't even hope to reach most days. you see the world in a way that is beautiful, eloquent and passionate.
so i say, forget that prof. contest it if you need to, but if not lets face it, school is a bit of a silly insitution anyway. as much as we are graded on content, we are also graded on whether or not our sentences are fragments. enough said.

March 07, 2006 9:48 a.m.  
Blogger from mel said...

man, after those poetic words all i am left to say, with a slightly dumbfounded look might i add,

i miss you. i'm just not myself when you're away.

...and i can't believe (this time with a cheeky grin) that you are enjoying a Djarum and i am so far away...
let's not make our visits too few and far in between, ok? is it still snowing there?

March 07, 2006 9:51 a.m.  

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