
philosophy: a religion?

Here is an attempt at discussing something i know hardly anything about:

In a Philosophy lecture today brought eloquently forward by a fellow student of mine, i had to ask a question.
well, a few.

In discussing matters of language, representation, and truth -
i wonder how and in what manner these things actually hit the ground...

What i mean is, when thinking about language as such a complex system of words, objects, and social practice...are those people that talk of such things with a deep understanding of these concepts and an even deeper interest in it, does this affect the way they use everyday language?
Where is the application of such knowledge?
Is this a conscious process?

Is Philosophy a belief system all on its own?
Its own religion perhaps?
Does it sufficiently explain the matters of the universe that are in question and that the commonplace man is wanting/needing an explaination for?

If we use our beliefs to determine what is true, but we cannot know the 'essense' of language outside of context and culture, how can such a thing be conceptualized and brought into life?


Blogger aejrussin said...

i think you hold philosophy much too high. philosophy is not something that is higher than your ordinary use of language and dialogues of thought. you do it all day every day.

in this sense, philosophy is ordinary life, whether you think it is or it's not. it is.

references do not explain meaning. meaning comes from its use, not the actual language. it's that simple. there is no such thing as a 'private-language' or thoughts that exist before language, there is only the external in this sense. it then doesnt matter whether we can get to the 'essence' of what language is outside of context or culture(whatever and wherever that is) .

oh just stop fighting it, you know it's for you ;)

January 20, 2006 11:18 p.m.  

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