
jane gallagher

read this carefully, it's an excerpt from a little book i like to call - Catcher in the Rye.
Behind the words is an image of Edmond's very own muckle-mouth, Jamie Spiro.
this piece of writing is timeless. read the book and you'll see why.


just add black and stir.

she did it.
Bonnie found us a suite.
the Gord Downie suite.

things to be done on our first day:

:light up some NagChampa incense.
:light up a clove.
:put on the best damn Hip song ever written.
:add pictures to the walls.
:take a little walk around a little place i like to call Vimy Ridge Park.
(which sounds like it will be our new backyard)
:have our ceremonial christening event

this is it. our first apartment.
our first time living completely away from the perimeters set out for us by our elders.
in one month i'll be sleeping in a new bed.
and it will be fantastic.