I have visitors from the Scandinavian sector currently occupying my bed. This includes two dear cousins whom I rarely see. Although they both subscribe to many of the pop icons I can't bring myself to support, it's been compelling meeting them through adult eyes.
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Just before the television was laid to rest for the night, a documentary came on the screen of my most beloved band: Radiohead. My understanding came back tonight of why I began with Kid A, and after taking a good look through their entire discography, why I have stopped with Amnesiac. It belongs in the mind of late night thinkers, to act solely as a soundtrack to unformulated ideas.
It just begs a listen.
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My brother and I have recently been discussing how each person, in their own way, is a bit off, emotionally or psychologically.
When I say this, I mean those people who tell stories for longer than is reasonable at social gatherings, not realizing the disinterest of their gracious listeners...those ones that laugh incessantly at any kind of joke, not understanding the obnoxious laugh they own and put others through each time a humorous story is told...those that are irrational when making decisions and rely strictly on emotional energy...those that change their state of mind unexpectantly in an argument and can't employ logic to get them to a rational place once again.
- These are the small things that often keep me up, puzzled by human behavior. When I grasp these inconsistencies in mannerisms, I often see them in myself.