
we wanted to be the skies.

Tonight it was raining something fierce.
like typical B.C. fucking weather.
which i happen to love dearly.
and After a long night of t.v. watching and listening to Cat Power, i picked up my journal to look over just as i was about to sleep. this activity gave me an urge to reference a conversation Bonnie and i had one dark night.

"If you could be anywhere in any country right now, where would you be?" asked Bonnie.
"I'd be at a street market in India," answers Kristina.
"That's great," says Bonnie.
After a moment to imagine what it would really be like to be in India, Kristina asks in return, "What about you Bon? Where would you be?"
"I'd be at the National Gallery in London. I lost my soul there. Those Turners pretty much killed me," says Bonnie.

a painting by William Turner.


Manitoba Mornings:

Let me tell you a little something about mornings in Manitoba :
This morning Bonnie and I were up early.
It was completely dark out, and we were on our way back into the city from spending a few days in Winkler, getting Wings from Smitty's and smoking on dark prairie roads.
On the drive back to Winnipeg in the early hours of the morning, I saw something beautiful.
A prairie sunrise. I'm sure it was my first.

It looked a little like this:

Now if you can imagine, I'm trying to look at the sunrise through the back window of the car, but the windows were completely iced over because of the cold of the morning. (I tried to do a bit of Photoshop work on this picture to show you what i mean. )
The sunrise was glorious, but i could only see the strip of it where the earth and the yellow ocre of the sun meet and become this incredible shade of gold, then turn into deep colors of blue.
This picture does it no justice.

The sky is just so big in Manitoba. and the earth is so flat. It's often hard to believe my eyes when i see the things i see. Yes, i miss the mountains of BC, but what i'll miss about Manitoba is the great sky and the Elm trees.

My bedroom window.

Truly, this is how the iced windows look.



the Internet.

Let's talk about Internet accessibility for a minute.
First of all, let's bring in the question of whether or not accessibility to everything in the entire world is really a beneficial aspect of our lives in the 21st century.
This has really only become a topic of discussion in the last few years, and interestingly, we seem to be the first generation who has to worry about the Internet being a vice or a virtue. (If you will.)
I recently had a conversation with a man who spoke of the detrimental effect that the Internet is having on youth, particularly in the case of people looking to the Internet as a source of wisdom, when really it is only a source of knowledge.
And whether or not it is really bringing us “Googlers” true knowledge on what the world is really like is a whole other question.

The world is at our fingertips.

The problem is, the world has now become too accessible, I would argue.

So let’s go back to books shall we?
No. I don’t think we ever can. Not completely anyway.
Not because we don’t shouldn’t, but because we can’t.
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the beauty of books for a moment?

Bonnie and Sharelle...this one's for you two.



this morning i walked down the street and into my apartment,
carrying a few unrelated things in my hands.
:a green knit blanket
:a jar of balsamic vinegar
:"Good Morning Vietnam"
:and a pomegranate.

the air was sharp, and beautiful.
the real reason for this post though, is to put up this picture of this gorgeous and tasty fruit,
known to symbolize health, fertility, and rebirth.
(or in Bonnie's words, the essence of fruit.)


how intriguing.

My philosophy professor was talking yesterday about how we are people of habit. After breaking into a story about insecurity she said,

" having a coffee in your hand somehow alleviates the pain of thinking you're the most foolish person in the room.
How intriguing."

i feel the same about cigarettes.